
Hiking to Klausenberg und Predigtstuhl

Adithyan Ilangovan 3 min read


For the ones interested in doing the same trail, read the “Details” section.
If you are interested in my ramblings about the path, read the “Travel diaries” section (Although, I recommend you to skip this 😛 ).
If you are interested in knowing how this path looks, check out my short video (2 mins) at the “Video” section (Definitely, check this out 🙂 ).

Details :


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The hiking trail.


For more details, about the path of the trail and descriptions check out this official link.

Travel diary:

It is the Last day of 2016?
What did I do? Hiking!

Alarm snoozes at 5.30 in the morning. As my ritual demands, I snooze it off.
Again at 5.45. I get up now.

Scrambling and packing things.
About, 20 of us meet at the Central station. It is always nice to travel in group. Because, you can buy the Bayern group ticket and it is good to have company.
Train leaves at 6.55AM from Munich Hbf. We reach Aschau im Chiemgau at about 8.00AM.
The trail starts roughly at 1.5kms from the station.

We reach the start of the trail and follow the yellow sign board.  We all start walking up.
The first 1 hour is through the woods. Big pine trees on both sides. Old rustled orange leaves from the bygone spring crunching under our legs. Fresh breeze. Perfect warm-up for the day.

We leave the woods and it opens to a wide clearing.  First views of the expansive mountains are laid out. Another 0.5 hour of walk and we take a rest stop by a closed hut.

Again we ascend. First signs of snow starts.
We walk for 15mins, and now we meet short paths of thick ice.
Time to put on the crampoons.  For anyone planning to do this path, please do carry a crampoon. Otherwise, it is impossible/very difficult.

On-ward we go. The trail is all icy now. Little streams of river are frozen.
We walk for another 1 hour and we are already at the peak : Klausenberg.
A fairly easy hike. It took us roughly 3.5 hours to reach here.
At the peak, sun is shining and we get great views of the mountains around.

After a bit of rest, we start trekking down. A bit of woods and a bit of wide clearings.
Very we soon reach the next peak  (15mins) : Predigstuhl.

Then, comes my most favorite part.
For the next 0.5kms it is thick wide ice and the path is steeply sloping downward.
Some brave souls try to do this part without crampoons. Soon, they realize it is a mistake and put their crampoons on.

After, 1 hour of hike downward we reach a hut. Everyone agrees to eat something. After filling our tummies, again we go. After a bit walking, we reach the train station.

It took us 2.5 hours to trek down, excluding the time spent at the hut.
Overall, even with snow, it was a very easy hike with some wonderful company.
Not a bad way to spend the last day of 2016.


Before I show the video, I want to share a fun incident. I wanted a nice way to document my journeys for this blog.
So, I bought my GoPro camera in the previous day at 12am. 12AM in the midnight!

How you ask?
Luckily, some guy near my home was selling it in ebay-kleinanzeigen (second hand) and was also awake. I got it and  came back home at 12.30am. Tried learning how to use it for the next 2 hours and slept at 2.30am.

Just saying this, so that you could excuse me if the video is crappy or if my eyes are groggy.




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